Safeguarding Policy


Safeguarding is a fundamental part of Markoni Computing's work and this commitment is reflected in the  Markoni Quality Standards and the values of our organisation, which inform and support all of our  safeguarding activity: 

Guiding Principles 

Everyone's responsibility - Everyone at Markoni Computing has a responsibility to keep children and  adults who need care and support safe from abuse and neglect. 

Prevention – We will put sensible measures in place to prevent abuse, including the use of safe  recruitment practices, promoting safe working practice and raising awareness of safeguarding. 

Protection – We will provide policy, procedures, information and training to enable all Markoni staff to  identify and respond appropriately to concerns about abuse. 

Partnership - Markoni will work in Partnership with statutory, regulatory and other relevant organisations  to ensure that safeguarding concerns are responded to appropriately. 

Empowerment – We will be person-centred and uphold rights in our safeguarding work 

Accountability - We aim to be transparent in our approaches and recognise the need for continuous  learning and improvement. 

Roles and Responsibilities 

All staff and volunteers 

Every individual working for Markoni, irrespective of their role, has a part to play in safeguarding children  and adults who need care and support. All staff will undertake training and must familiarise themselves  with our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.


Directors have a responsibility to ensure that safeguarding is included, where appropriate, in the strategic  plans, risk assessments, communications and quality assurance processes of their Directorate. In some  cases they will be required to make decisions in relation to complex or serious safeguarding concerns, in  consultation with the Head of Safeguarding. 

Breaches of Policy 

Failure to comply with the Markoni Computing safeguarding policy may be managed in a number of ways, depending on the nature and consequences of any incident. In some cases a combination of responses  may be required. 

Equality Statement 

Markoni Computing is committed to providing services which embrace diversity and that promote equality of opportunity. Everyone who accesses our services or works for us in a paid or voluntary capacity should be safe, empowered to play a part in promoting their own welfare and that of others and able to live a life  free from abuse. This applies to all, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or belief.